Frequently Asked Questions

Check below to see our FAQ & answers


  • The product I want to purchase is out of stock, when will you have it back in stock?

    We should have the product back in less than a week but you can contact us via email if you would like to know the exact date.

  • Is vaping cheaper than smoking?

    yes it is cheaper If vaping is only used to quit smoking. If you smoke 20 of the cheapest cigarettes (£8.00) a day then it will cost you £2920 a year, whereas an equivalent vaping will only cost £200.

  • Am I allowed to vape on the plane?

    Vaping on planes is prohibited. A number of airlines allow you to carry your vape in your hand luggage but don’t allow you to use it.

  • Is vaping safe?

    Yes, vaping is much safer than smoking and it has been proven to be 95% better than smoking. E-liquid contains only five ingredients: PG, VG, Nicotine, water and Flavouring, whereas a cigarette contains 600 ingredients, when burned contain over 6000 chemicals, from which 69 are known to cause cancer and many are poisonous.

  • How do Vaping devices work?

    The atomizer (tank) contains a coil which is powered by a battery. Once you hold down the button, the coil heats up, warming the e-liquid. Once the e-liquid reaches 100-250C, it reaches its vaporisation point, therefore giving off vapour.



  • Why is my tank leaking?

    A tank can leak if there is a flooded coil and there are a number of reasons for this to occur: *

    • Device has not been used for a long period of time
    • Running the device under recommended wattage
    • Leaving the tank open for too long
    • Burnt coil
    • Hot weather or under high temperature (liquid becomes thin)
    • Not puffing enough (take longer drags to pull the liquid out of the coil)
  • How much is the cheapest devices?

    £12.50 for Logic Pro device


Got any more questions?

Email us at [email protected] or call us on 01903 201010.

You can also ask us in store at either:

  • 2 Barclays Bank Building, Worthing, West Sussex, BN11 1EY
  • 13 High Street, Littlehampton, West Sussex, BN17 5EG